Rhodiola sourcing
The sourcing of Rhodiola has become particularly complex. Its growing popularity, combined with predominantly wild harvesting, has led to the disappearance of more than 70% of the species in its natural habitat, making it rare and valuable.
To protect the species, Rhodiola has been listed under CITES Appendix II, subjecting its international trade to strict regulations to prevent exploitation that could threaten its survival.

Origins & species

Rhodiola rosea is a dioecious perennial plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family, also known as the "Arctic Rose" or “Rose Root” for the typical rose-like aroma its roots when they are cut. It is also an extraordinarily long-lived plant, capable of surviving through 40 to 70 years worth of gelid winters.
It is in fact the plant's adaptation to its harsh environment that is the source of the highly potent pharmacological effects Rhodiola is known for. The unfavorable conditions act as stimuli, prompting the plant to produce a range of secondary metabolites essential for its survival. Over time, these precious bioactive compounds accumulate in the roots, contributing to Rhodiola's sought-after properties.
Throughout history, the "golden root" was a globally esteemed resource. The first mention of Rhodiola’s medicinal use dates back to 77 AD, in a medical treatise by the Greek botanist and pharmacologist Dioscorides, called “De Materia Medica”.
In the northern Urals of Russia, Rhodiola was so treasured and rare that its harvesting locations were closely-guarded secrets, known only to specific Siberian families and passed down through generations. It is also known that the Roman Empire went to great lengths to import this valued arctic treasure, and Chinese emperors notably sent secret expeditions to Siberia to procure it.
Rose Root holds a particularly prestigious place in Scandinavian tradition, particularly among the formidable Vikings who used it for its strength-enhancing properties during raids, earning it the title of “herb of the Gods”.
How to spot the 24k golden roots
The high demand and limited supply of Rhodiola rosea have led to rampant adulteration (intentional or not) in the market of botanicals. Recent data have indeed provided evidence of the widespread mislabeling or partial substitution of Rhodiola rosea with other species of the genus. And although other taxons may have their own medicinal properties, they simply do not deliver the same pharmacological benefits as authentic Rhodiola rosea.
And while some may exploit the rarity of the plant to sell counterfeit Rhodiola or adulterated products at inflated prices, this phenomenon is not always a result of deliberate malpractice. The challenge lies in the fact that several species within the genus not only share similar morphological characteristics but also occupy vast, overlapping geographic regions, which can complicate accurate identification and selective harvesting.
In this context, advanced analytical techniques, such as DNA barcoding and chemical analysis, could prove essential to verifying the authenticity of Rhodiola rosea products, ensuring consumers the true benefits of this valuable herb.
Rhodiola rosea
Authentic Rhodiola rosea best thrives in the subarctic circumpolar regions of Europe and Asia, although it can also be found in lower latitude alpine environments. It is distinguished by its dense yellow flower rosette, thick leaves, and a distinct rose-like aroma from its roots when cut.
Celebrated as an adaptogen in Scandinavian and Russian herbal medicine, Rhodiola is mainly known to enhance both physical and mental stamina, but it is also recognized for it’s longevity-enhancing properties and a wide array of health benefits across central Asia.
Rhodiola rosea has a unique molecular signature marked by a natural specific rosavins to salidroside ratio of 3:1, crucial in detecting adulteration. This unique molecular profile includes rosavin, rosin, and rosarin, collectively known as "rosavins", found exclusively in this species.
Rhodiola crenulata
Native to the Tibetan plateau of the Himalayas, Rhodiola crenulata shares its ecological niche with R. rosea; no wonder then, why it is the most common adulterant of R. rosea.
This species, identifiable by its vivid red or purplish flowers and crenulated leaf margins, is traditionally used in Tibetan medicine as a cardioprotective and a remedy against high-altitude stress (anti-hypoxic). It also the second most researched species of Rhodiola in the field of phytotherapy.
Rhodiola integrifolia
Rhodiola integrifolia, also known as American Rhodiola or Western roseroot, can be found in western US and Canada.
Sometimes considered a subspecies or variety of R. rosea in the past, R. Integrifolia is characterized by red or pink flower clusters and was used in Native American Medicine.
Rhodiola dumulosa
Rhodiola dumulosa is indigenous to the mountainous regions of Central Asia, where in grows in inhospitable high-altitude rocky environments. It is distinguishable from other Rhodiola species by its white-yellowish flower clusters, robust, stubby roots.
The characteristic distribution of Rhodiola dumulosa in scattered populations forming dense bush clusters is also a notable feature of this species. In Chinese Traditional Medicine, R. dumulosa is valued for its anti-fatigue and stress-relieving properties.
Rhodiola kirilowii
Rhodiola kirilowii thrives across Northeast Asia and can be found in China, Korea, and Russia. It is easily identifiable by its large, yellow flowers and long, slender leaves.
In Traditional Tibetan Medicine, R. kirilowii is regarded as a potent anti-inflammatory and immune system booster, but also as a remedy against altitude sickness.
Authentic Rhodiola rosea best thrives in the subarctic circumpolar regions of Europe and Asia, although it can also be found in lower latitude alpine environments. It is distinguished by its dense yellow flower rosette, thick leaves, and a distinct rose-like aroma from its roots when cut.
Celebrated as an adaptogen in Scandinavian and Russian herbal medicine, Rhodiola is mainly known to enhance both physical and mental stamina, but it is also recognized for it’s longevity-enhancing properties and a wide array of health benefits across central Asia.
Rhodiola rosea has a unique molecular signature marked by a natural specific rosavins to salidroside ratio of 3:1, crucial in detecting adulteration. This unique molecular profile includes rosavin, rosin, and rosarin, collectively known as "rosavins", found exclusively in this species.
The Artic Gold
Wild Rhodiola rosea is traditionally harvested in the harsh and pristine environments of Siberia and the northern regions of Europe. Though it can be found in many subalpine areas, Rhodiola best thrives in cold, rocky terrains at high altitudes; environments which have been shown to lead to its unique bioactive molecular profile.
The plant’s remarkable resilience and availability in the midst of harsh winters made it an invaluable resource for populations living in cold climates. In the northern Urals of Russia, it is said that Rhodiola grew in such remote places that harvest locations were a well-kept secret that siberian communities only passed on within generations of a family.
Throughout history, the “golden root” was considered precious around the world, from the Roman Empire who went to great lengths to import it to Chinese emperors, that notably dispatched secret expeditions to Siberia to retrieve the arctic treasure.
Today, wild-harvested Rhodiola rosea is still the mainstay of supply. In particular, the Altai plateau region of Russia and Mongolia is known for the exceptional purity and quality of its wild Rhodiola, and has become one of the principal sources for the industry.
An endangered Species
Like many popular wild-harvested botanicals, Rhodiola rosea faces the challenge of meeting rapidly growing demand. As a consequence, overcollection and unsustainable sourcing practices, driven by the high commercial value of this botanical, have put significant strain on its natural reserves and inflicted severe damage on its wild habitats.
First, because the most commercially valuable part of Rhodiola is its root, which makes the plant’s harvest inherently destructive.
Moreover, Rhodiola’s dioecious nature (separate male and female plants) and extremely slow growth further exacerbate the consequences of wild-harvest on the species decline. Not only is the harvested plant unable to regenerate, but the increased spatial distance between male and female specimens severely hinders pollination and the species' natural ability to sustain its populations.
To make matters worse, the impacts of climate change are beginning to manifest on Rhodiola populations. Even in the absence of destructive harvesting, shifting climatic patterns are already showing adverse effects on the growth and distribution of Rhodiola, further threatening its survival in the wild.
In addition, ensuring ethical wild-collection practices is extremely challenging in key remote harvesting areas, where overexploitation and destruction of natural habitats are especially prevalent. This is particularly concerning in areas such as the Altai Plateau and the chinese autonomous region of Xinjiang (which produces over 500 tons of dried Rhodiola roots a year), where there are growing concerns about unfair labor practices and potential exploitation of ethnic minorities like the Uyghur.
These factors combined – destructive harvesting practices, the plant's biological characteristics, and the looming threat of climate change – paint a concerning picture for the future of Rhodiola rosea. With wild natural stocks showing worrying signs of decline since the 1980s, the need for sustainable supply alternatives and conservation strategies is more evident than ever.
Filed-grown rhodiola
The massive surging demand for Rhodiola rosea in recent years is becoming increasingly difficult to satisfy through ever more restricted and low quality wild-harvesting. In this context, field-grown Rhodiola has offered a promising solution to reduce reliance and overexploitation of wild resources.
Since agricultural practices first started being investigated in the 1970s, Rhodiola cultivation has been successfully implemented across Russia, Scandinavia, the Alpine and Carpathian regions and even North America. However, Rhodiola agriculture presents its own set of challenges.
First, in terms of climate-specific growth requirements. Recreating Rhodiola’s cold, rocky, high-altitude natural habitat, crucial for the biosynthesis of its complex and pharmacologically active biomatrix, has proven an extremely challenging task.
Analytical studies have indeed shown that Rhodiola from colder more northern climates develop a significantly higher salidroside and rosavin profile. More specifically, the now famous Rhodiola from the Altaï plateau, where the species is likely to have originated, exhibited an exceptionally rich molecular composition.
Secondly, Rhodiola is a slow-growing plant with delayed accumulation of secondary metabolites; a field-grown specimen typically requires 5 to 7 years of growth to reach commercially viable bioactive levels. This poses a real limit to productivity.
When it comes to quality and efficacy, cultivated Rhodiola often falls short in comparison to the rich bioactive profiles of wild specimens. This generally leads to products with overall lower quality and efficacy, or to additional extraction processes to improve the product's pharmacological effectiveness.
Thirdly, like other large-scale botanical farming, intensive Rhodiola cultivation raises concerns about health risks in products and environmental sustainability, due to the extensive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
In light of the substantial disparity in quality between wild-harvested and field-grown Rhodiola specimens, the need for pioneering and sustainable large-scale production techniques becomes pressing. These agricultural innovations, among which BOTALYS’ Biomimetic Indoor Farming, are the key to ensuring the quality and long-term accessibility of this invaluable botanical within the global health market.
Threatened with extinction due to relentless anthropogenic pressure on its wild habitats and rampant unregulated overharvesting, Rhodiola is falling victim to its success.
The increasing demand for Rhodiola rosea, combined with slow reproduction and overharvesting, has put the wild populations of the plant under significant strain. As a result, many regions have started implementing strict regulations to protect the wild species - necessary measures that impact product availability and pricing.
In the Russian sector of the Altai region, where most commercialized Rhodiola comes from, the plant has been classified as a Category 3 (Rare) species and is subject to strict quotas and export restrictions.
Recognizing these threats, several other countries have added Rhodiola rosea to the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) Appendix II of endangered species as of February 2023, highlighting the critical need for sustainable conservation-driven practices.
Sadly, Rhodiola rosea is yet another example of a botanical resource severely compromised by the industry’s unsustainable practices. Ensuring access to this precious resource for human health once again highlights the critical need for innovative and sustainable cultivation alternatives.
Bibliographic references
Brinckmann, J. A., Cunningham, A. B., & Harter, D. E. (2021). Running out of time to smell the roseroots: Reviewing threats and trade in wild Rhodiola rosea L. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 269, 113710.
Marchev, A. S., Dinkova-Kostova, A. T., György, Z., Mirmazloum, I., Aneva, I. Y., & Georgiev, M. I. (2016). Rhodiola rosea L.: from golden root to green cell factories. Phytochemistry Reviews, 15, 515-536.
Elameen A, Kosman VM, Thomsen M, Pozharitskaya ON, Shikov AN. (2020). Variability of Major Phenyletanes and Phenylpropanoids in 16-Year-Old Rhodiola rosea L. Clones in Norway. Molecules. 2020 Jul 30;25(15):3463. doi: 10.3390/molecules25153463.
Galambosi, B. (2014). Cultivation of Rhodiola rosea in Europe. Rhodiola rosea; Cuerrier, A., Ampong-Nyarko, K., Eds, 87-124.
Bernard, R. (2016). Rhodiola rosea in Packaged Food and Beverages. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada= Agriculture et agroalimentaire Canada.

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